
EFI Announces PrintMe Mobile 2.1
February 28, 2012

EFI, a world leader in customer-focused digital printing innovation, announced the availability of PrintMe® Mobile 2.1, the company's award-winning enterprise mobile print solution.

GPO Reports Record Visits to Budget App
February 21, 2012

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) had approximately 53,000 visits in the first 24 hours to the first mobile Web application (app) for the Federal Budget.

Mobile Marketing and You
February 1, 2012

Mobile Marketing. Whether you believe it's relevant 
for your business now, there is no question it's going to be critical for success within the next five years.

Business Smarts
January 1, 2012

It's now 2012. We still don't have flying cars or robot maids, but this month's mystery product takes full advantage of those powerful pocket-sized computers we call smartphones.

Why QR Codes Aren't Catching On
December 13, 2011

Quick response (QR) codes—those two-dimensional barcodes that resemble a checkerboard on LSD—are appearing more frequently on billboards, magazine ads, business cards, stickers, T-shirts and anything that is used to promote stuff.

But evidence suggests many people don't understand what QR codes are or what to do with them.

A Web of
September 1, 2011

If you ask five people to explain what the term "web-to-print" means to them, you will most likely end up with five different answers. Quite simply, different needs require different implementations.

PURLs of Wisdom
September 1, 2011

These little gems put a little personalized shine on a cross-media campaign.

September 1, 2011

If a university wanted to get the word out to students about a book promotion or a campus event, it likely wouldn't just pass out fliers or other printed material. If the school was smart, it would text its students, send out a mass e-mail or tweet about it.