
Labels West, Woodinville, Wa., has completed the installation of an Indigo WS 4050 digital label press. The press complements Labels West's current conventional label production capabilities, and it will allow for economical production of high-quality labels for short- to medium-runs with quantities as low as one. The press is also ideal for producing prototypes and multiple versions, with minimal set-up between versions and no plate costs. With the ability to add variable imaging, foil stamping, varnishes and laminations in-line, the technology will allow distributors to respond quickly to customer requirements at a competitive price . For more information, visit www.labelswest.com.

Streamline clients' tracking and information gathering while adding heft to your paycheck. Say your customer wants to track his inventory as it moves through the chain of production, but all you have to offer are plain-old traditional forms. What do you do? If you're smart you'll find a manufacturer who prints bar-coded labels and not only will you have a happy customer, you'll have a whole new product niche to explore. Though it's been more than 30 years since the nearly ubiquitous product made its debut, bar codes are still often overlooked. Perhaps this is because bar codes seem confusing or, in

The ubiquitous bar code label is a necessity for distributors' portfolios. While bar-coded labels are a small segment of manufacturers' bottom lines, it is important that they are not overlooked by distributors. "Bar codes are a low percentage of overall sales, but their contribution to profit is higher," said John Shanley, president of Labels West, Woodinville, Wash. As interest in the product grows and equipment prices plummet, manufacturers are seeing a spike in on-demand bar coded labels. "Today a great deal of variable printing is done by the end-user," said John Strecker, vice president of sales and marketing for Data Label, Terre

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