Gary St. Onge

Sean Norris is editor-in-chief for Promo Marketing. Reach him at

Last June, a Delaware bankruptcy judge approved Mankato, Minnesota-based Taylor Corp.’s purchase of Standard Register Co., Dayton, Ohio, and its assets. The story was fodder for the media: A major printing company files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy only later to be the object of a bidding war ($307 million took everything, for the record). Follow that up with two lawsuits...

Big is scary. It's why so many horror movies feature hulking bad guys and giant monsters. It's why roughly two-thirds of the more than 11,000 attempts to summit Everest have failed.

The print industry was sort of Gary St. Onge's high school sweetheart.

Every New Year's Eve, people scramble to think of their last-minute resolutions. As January kicks into high gear, unoccupied treadmills become scarce, cigarettes are flushed down the toilet and junk food remains on the supermarket shelves. Unfortunately, bad habits die hard.

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