Steve Hawes

Distributors contemplate the present and future state of the industry. Has this year's economy had an adverse affect on the forms business? And with endless possibilities for print popping up via ad-vanced online technology, do distributors stand a chance to stay in the forms business in the years to come? Whether or not the recent fiscal slump gives way to major changes within the in-dustry, or simply serves as an opportunity for industry professionals to refocus their efforts, remains to be seen. To gain better insight into the concerns distributors have been facing of late, how they are handling them and where they see

Outsourcing printed products is a popular trend among end-users. Outsourcing has become a premium among distributors. Not only is it a major part of the distribution business, but for some resellers it represents all of their business. The reason is that end-users just don't have the time and money to handle the inventory, delivery and maintenance of printed products in-house. A justifiable conclusion, considering that most companies want to allocate a majority of their time to handling the business in which they specialize. Distributors, on the other hand, do specialize in printed products. "I think that end-users realize how consuming it is

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