William James

Nichole Stella is group president/publishing director of Promo Marketing Media Group, which consists of Print+Promo, Promo Marketing and NonProfitPro.

“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which, more than anything else, will determine its successful outcome.” William James, American Philosopher, 1842-1910 I had the pleasure of attending an open house and media dinner this past week in Chicago. By all accounts, it was a fantastic event that included spending time with some of the printed apparel industry’s nicest folks, lots of laughs, a great Moroccan restaurant, a professional belly dancer (as well as some not so professional belly dancers—you know who you are) and even a tarot card reader. I am quite the skeptic, and when

“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which, more than anything else, will determine its successful outcome.”
William James, American Philosopher, 1842-1910

I had the pleasure of attending an open house and media dinner this past week in Chicago. By all accounts, it was a fantastic event that included spending time with some of the printed apparel industry’s nicest folks, lots of laughs, a great Moroccan restaurant, a professional belly dancer (as well as some not so professional belly dancers—you know who you are) and even a tarot card reader.

I am quite the skeptic, and when

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