An Acronym You SHALT Remember
May 9, 2016 at 8:44 pm

How many times have you said something you wish you could take back? How many instances have you written something you later regret? How often have you acted in an uncharacteristic manner and wished you could get a do-over? The “SHALT” rule is one that can help you become better in decision-making and all forms of communications.

I Back Up My Files Each Night On a Thumb Drive. Is that Enough?
May 3, 2016 at 5:50 pm

For most of us, the information on our computers is "priceless." If our personal files were lost forever, we would be devastated. And for our business files, how much time and money would we have to spend to reproduce it? Our priceless memories and business data deserve to have multiple backups in a variety of places...

Why QuickBooks for an Ad Specialty Distributor?
April 7, 2016 at 8:35 pm

The ad specialty distributor business, regardless of its size, is unique. It does not fit a “business mold.” It is not retail, nor wholesale, nor manufacturing, nor a service and, instead, is a little bit of each. And the product sold is a uniquely customized item that can involve multiple production partners and variables. It’s complicated...

Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way: Consistency is Vital to Leadership
March 22, 2016 at 7:20 pm

Consistency of leadership, whether as a CEO or salesperson, is applicable to all. Try to think of consistency as being the steady and methodical pace of an experienced marathon runner, and inconsistency as the erratic (speed up/slow down) pace of an inexperienced short distance runner. Here are five consistent leadership themes to consider...

The 411 on Exit Strategy from an M&A Perspective
February 11, 2016 at 9:21 pm

In the world of business, it’s never too early to start planning your exit strategy—because the sooner you start, the more rewarding your eventual exit is likely to be. Here are five important steps to make your company more salable, more attractive and easier to transition...

What’s In a Brand? YOU!
November 17, 2015 at 8:13 pm

Your brand is not defined by what you say it is, but it is, indeed, characterized by what others say it is. To that end, successful individuals and organizations work hard to develop their brands through effective communication...

The $20.9 Million Mistake Your Company Can Do Without
July 30, 2013

Not paying close attention to how you classify your staff under FLSA regulations can land you in legal hot water if the employee (or even the government) files a claim later for improperly paid wages or compensation. Is your company making the top FLSA classification mistakes?

The Starbucks Economy
July 24, 2013

Back in 2009, I wrote to you all about the Starbucks Index; the SBUX is an “everyman” indicator of how the economy is faring. But why? Because buying that piping hot cup of eye-opening deliciousness every morning comes at a cost.