Embrace Your Business with a “Blank Sheet of Paper” Mindset
October 6, 2015 at 6:44 pm

I propose we look at our own organization as a blank sheet of paper. By doing this, we can engage in “as if” thinking. This means thinking in a manner as if we can make the changes needed in our organization right away...

What Film and Records Mean to Our “Why?”
July 14, 2015

If you want to think at the deepest level, you must examine what others say. You have to engage in active listening to get to another person's "why"—not their surface-level "what" and "how" communications.

Social Selling and Why It Matters
June 16, 2015

I have worked with a number of business owners who have told me they still don't get the social media aspect of sales and why it matters. Here's why it does.

I Need More Time Every Day … Do You?
May 12, 2015

Life is a series of choices. We either define the moment or let the moment define us. Are you using your time in a deliberate and purposeful manner?

Are You Lazy Man LinkedIn?
April 13, 2015

LinkedIn is a super tool to use when building your professional network, but are you using it correctly? Don't be a Lazy Man LinkedIn.

Your Brand Makes All the Difference
March 9, 2015

We communicate a message in everything we do-and it's especially true when we use the term "brand." So, what kind of message is your brand sending?

Leaders Love Blank Paper
February 23, 2015

Character is not simply about getting better; it's about having the courage to take the first step. So, what does your blank sheet of paper look like? The choice is simple and it's yours to make.