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Why Print Is a Digital Champion—Plus How to Measure Success
March 17, 2020 at 5:20 pm

In a world where everyone is scrambling to label themselves “data-driven,” catalog marketers and direct mailers get to claim veteran status. We were data-driven before it was cool, back when it was called “direct marketing.” And as the digital person at an agency with a long history of direct marketing, I’ve never understood the rush…

Family Ties are Helping Many Print Businesses to Thrive
March 10, 2020 at 9:09 pm

We have all heard of—and perhaps worked for—companies that pride themselves on treating their employees as if they were family members. What must it also be like, then, to have actual relatives along for one’s professional journey, united in the cause to make others feel like extended kin?...

RRD Releases Q4 and FY19 Financials; Total Debt Reduced by $273M
March 10, 2020 at 7:14 pm

On an organic basis, consolidated net sales declined 3 percent. The Marketing Solutions segment grew 12.4 percent organically driven by higher volumes in the Direct Marketing and Digital Print product categories. The Business Services segment was down 6.6 percent organically due primarily to...

2020 Under 40: Rob Shiner, American Solutions for Business
February 20, 2020 at 5:18 pm

Print+Promo is excited to reveal the honorees in this year’s Under 40 spotlight. Cited by their industry peers for unmatched professionalism, visionary behavior and contagious energy, these individuals are dismantling generational labels, and, instead, using the wisdom gained from esteemed colleagues to become mentors in their own right. This week’s spotlight features Rob Shiner, account executive, American Solutions for Business…

War Between RR Donnelley and Its Largest Bondholder, Chatham Asset Management, Escalates
March 3, 2020 at 4:54 pm

The ongoing skirmish between R.R. Donnelley & Sons (RRD) and Chatham Asset Management, a Chatham, New Jersey-based private investment firm—which manages funds that own 12.9 percent of outstanding common stock in North America's largest printing company, as well being its largest bondholder—is turning into a potential war...

Where Does Campaign Merch Go After Candidates Drop Out?
March 3, 2020 at 6:28 pm

As we head into Super Tuesday and move closer to the November election, the field of Democratic candidates in the party's primary is slimming down, with both Tom Steyer and Pete Buttigieg recently suspending their campaigns. Before that, though, their campaigns were at full primary strength, which obviously includes pumping out a ton of promotional products in...

Print+Promo 2020: Under 40
February 25, 2020 at 7:50 pm

Print+Promo is excited to reveal the honorees in this year’s Under 40 spotlight. Cited by their industry peers for unmatched professionalism, visionary behavior and contagious energy, these individuals are dismantling generational labels, and, instead, using the wisdom gained from esteemed colleagues to become mentors in their own right...